The Ugly Side of Cancer

Cancer can cause lots and lots of problems other than the tumor that’s growing inside and waiting to take your life. My biggest problem was abdominal distention from fluids. Those fluids keep accumulating until I was so uncomfortable that I needed them drained. It felt and looked like I was 9 months pregnant. I was short of breath, uncomfortable and cranky. I had 4 paracenteses done.

The nurse practioner wrote a standing order for a paracentisis which means I can go in without an order to have a doctor drain the fluid. Here’s how it works. The nurse and doctor look on the ultrasound screen I’m hooked up to and they make sure there’s enough fluid. The doctor then numbs the area where the needle will be inserted into my belly, If the doctor is rough, it hurts so bad that you’ll cry. I had one rough doctor and one amazingly gentle doctor so I know it doesn’t have to hurt. Some women say they scream. Then he inserts the needle. It feels like someone punched you in the gut. Once I calmed down, I literally feel like a ballon being deflated. I had 4 paracentesis before the chemo kicked in and I stilll have bruises on my abdomen.

I had 2 different physicians take fluid. The first one was amazing. His personality was kind and put me at ease. The nurses held my hand and my feet when he numbed the area. I didn’t feel the needle being inserted.

When I went to the second physician, there was no chit chat. After the nurses scanned my abdomen, he came in, numbed me and stuck the needle in. I cried through the entire procedure, draining and all. I was alone in this huge sterile room, lying on a gurney, watching the yellow gook drip from my body.